
Portfolio of past projects

Although a number of projects I worked on as an RSE are private, I include here a selection of examples of open source public work I’ve been involved in.

EMODnetWFS R package

R Package I developed as part of EMODnet Biology Phases III & IV to enable interrogation, filtering and access of...

pkgreviewr R package

I built this package when I was invited to review for rOpenSci a second time. I found that I was both repeating myself...

Shiny Apps

Ever since I built my first shiny app back in 2015, I’ve very much appreciated the power of introducing...

ReproHack Hub

I started building this site over a weekend following a django girls tutorial on building a blog in Django. While out of...

dataspice R package

Dataspice makes it easier for researchers to create basic, lightweight, and concise metadata files for their datasets by...